How To Start A WooCommerce Store in 2023
Hosting, WooCommerce Posted 6 months ago

How To Start A WooCommerce Store in 2024

We all know that the most popular ecommerce platforms are Shopify and WordPress + WooCommerce. Now, most newcomers choose WooCommerce as this is ..

Top Cyber Security Trends You Need To Know In 2024
AI, Cloud, Cyber Security Posted 7 months ago

Top Cyber Security Trends You Need To Know In 2024 [Updated: January 2024]

Now we know 2024 just started, but we want you to always be prepared and stay on top of the latest cyber threats, so here is what to expect from ..

Cloud Computing Statistics And Trends In 2023
Cloud, Cyber Security, Trends Posted 7 months ago

30 Amazing Cloud Computing Statistics And Trends In 2024 [Infographic]

We live in a digital world, and as with everything in this world, the cloud computing landscape is also continuously changing. Innovation in the ..

The latest company news and industry insights

How to protect against phishing attacks

Phishing Attacks: How To Protect Your Business

Phishing attacks are one of the most serious yet overlooked risks businesses face these days. As of September 2023, there have been over 24 million phishing attacks reported. This means that no matter the size of your company, you will be getting phishing threats at least on a weekly base if not more.  But, is it possible to stay on …

Essential Tips For Email Security

Secure Living In The Digital Age: Essential Tips For Email Security

Imagine this: It’s just another workday, but something feels off with that new email notification. Sounds familiar? Well, you’re not alone! Every day, users and companies worldwide face similar email issues. It’s not a made-up story, but a real-life lesson on why we need to talk more about email security. And to make sure you understand how important email security …

Top Cyber Security Practices For Your Home Office

Secure Living In The Digital Age: Top Cyber Security Practices For Your Home Office

Here we are at our 3rd article of the Secure Living In The Digital Age series – Top Cyber Security Practices For Your Home Office. Until now we talked about how to protect your home using IoT and PC, and how to keep your office PC secure.  As we live in a world where our morning commutes often involve moving …

How To Ensure Your Office PC Security

Secure Living In The Digital Age: Ensuring Your Office PC Security

In today’s interconnected world, we are increasingly dependent on computers and the internet for our daily work. That’s why securing all your devices, especially workplace computers that likely contain sensitive company information is not just a good idea, it’s a necessity. So, for the 2nd article of the “Secure Living In The Digital Space” series, we’ll guide you through practical …

How To Enhance Your Home Security With IoT And PC

Secure Living In The Digital Age: How To Enhance Your Home Security With IoT And PC

We’re starting a new series called “Secure Living in the Digital Age” where we will be talking about how technology such as IoT has transformed the way we secure our homes and our offices.  Home is where we need to feel the safest, that’s why we will start this series with an article on how you can enhance your home …